Tuesday 9 January 2024

Storm Henk

 its been a while - what with COVID and twitter as means of keeping people informed. 

But we've had Storm Henk. And its left some damage 

 Some trees 

And some walling

 And a fruit cage 

SO ive got a bit of work to do. The fruit cage is tied down so it will wait.When it warms up a bit  I'll be busy 

Friday 11 November 2022

The pond

 We had a  quite a lot of rain last winter and one of the 'to-do' job has been mending the pond. 

Quite a lot of  a side of the pond got washed away . 






So a few stones and a few (!) barrel-loads of soil and  the pond has a side and  the fence posts are hopefully protected from the soil around them being washed away . The plan  , whne the pond is ow next spring/summer is to put a load more soil on the bank, up to the  existing height. If stuff regrows and the roots stabilise the soil and help prevent it being washed away , it should last a few more year.s


But we've had quite a lot of rain in the last 24 hours. 

heres the pond as it currently is 

My nice little stone wall  is at the far side of the pond, under about 3 feet of water.

and, for what its worth is the water flowing into the pond. 

  When the rain stops, and the flow decreases , what remains of the wall may reappear.


Tuesday 19 July 2022

The Ex-Drake

The ducks get locked into their run of an evening. They are a bit haphazard about where they lay eggs - they usually lay in the morning - so we keep them locked up until mid-morning to stand a chance of knowing where they have laid eggs. 

But the drake didn't appear with them one evening . he had been limping a bit for  a couple of days.

And a couple of days later we eventually found him .



And we think its was probably a hungry otter - the otter has got into the chest and eaten the contents ( heart and lungs)


And it was our only drake. So we are on the lookout for a replacement. If we wnat to try and hatch some ducklings we will need a drake to do the business. 

Wednesday 15 June 2022

31 days later





 I spotted a fragment of shell when checking on the feed  for the sitting hen.  One of the eggs was very sloshy  so it was removed . And we have 2 goslings 

 So we will move them on and put them into a bigger run out on the grass. 

Saturday 11 June 2022


 Went along the drive ( to topup the eggs-for-sale box) 

And saw this 



Lots of feathers on the road...........................

And looking more closely 

Blood on the road 

And hunting around 

So someone came round the bend and the cockerels was out exploring  at just the wrong moment. 


It's usual to knock on the door and say "I'm really sorry , but ......."

Bit this driver didnt . 


Saturday 21 May 2022

The sitting Hen

 At the moment we dont want any more chickens.

And we have a broody hen. 

And we have a goose that is laying eggs but at the moment isnt incubating them.




Weve taken some eggs from the nest that the goose has made 


And introduced the hen to them .,And she is incubating them 

  Goose egg incubation time is about a month.  So wait and see what ( if anything ) comes of this.