Saturday 27 September 2014

Hanging in there

We weren't at all optimistic about the poorly hen. We've had a discussion about at what stage he should be put out of his misery . But he must have overheard  us.
From being very placid and not even trying to evade being picked up and  not eating much  , he has perked up a bit.  The eye that was closed and yukky is opening a bit and he's getting around and eating

So watch this space.

Still not dreadfully positive about it though .

Friday 26 September 2014

Caledonian Sleeper

You can board the train from 830 pm. I found my berth  - not too bad on first sight, as these things go. Much on par with the berth on the Kirkwall-Aberdeen overnight ferry crossing. 

I've had another trip between London and  Orkney. Ive had a bit of a falling-out with BA about their south-north flights .  NABAFWBAFNFWBACF flights  are detailed here.

So for the return trip  I thought I'd try the overnight train.  The plan was the train from Euston to Inverness and then the 0945 flight from Inverness  to Kirkwall.

First impression -  corridor was *very* narrow - good I suppose because there's more room for the sleepers.
The berth is a bit  narrower than on the ferry  - a couple of feet perhaps

And there is a lounge . With plug-in powerpoints so lots of people used it as an opportunity to charge phones etc. The 'host' ( ticket inspector on other trains ive been on ) came and asked for unchecked tickets. Only mine , in a lounge of a dozen people. I should have got my tickets checked before I got on the train - nobody told me , and it wasn't obvious in Euston. All my fellow passengers would seem to be regulars  then , who knew the ropes.

They do food as well. Pubgrub type  menu . Reasonably priced - certainly much more reasonable than East Coast Trains. I didn't try the menu but I might next time. And there is a bar. 1/2 bottles of wine seemed very popular.

I went to bed just after 10pm - reckoned that I might not get much sleep , so best start early.
I slept through to  after  midnight, when there was a lot of clanking and banging . I think this must be when the train splits - according to the timetable that was at Preston.
There seemed to be another stop at about 330am. Not sure whether it was the lack of motion that woke me or noises.  I woke again at 530  didn't get back to sleep  and  then got up at 6am  ( not an unheard of waking time in the summer months).

Breakfast was provided.  It would have been brought to my cabin  if I was still there at 730. Breakfast whilst watching the scenery was quite pleasant .

 The rest of the journey was through the Scottish highlands  with the potential for some nice  scenery if you are 1 - interested and 2 - paying attention

So we arrived in Inverness at 835am.  A taxi to the Airport go me there at 905am , after a fairly slow journey behind a car towing a tin tent. As I had checked in online and had no hold luggage I went straight through security to the departure lounge. Back in Kirkwall at 1015 and in at work  at 1030 am .

Would I travel again this way ?

For flying back in the evening the last flight into Kirkwall lands at 1930 leaving Aberdeen 1840. So with a time between flights and a 90 minute flight from London, You have to check in at ~ 1500. So leave Central London 1400-1430. This way you can attended things in the afternoon and evening and then travel. And  flying back in the morning  the first flight is from Gatwick at 7am. So get to Gatwick at 6am.......... And with connections its easily lunchtime before you are  in Kirkwall.

The downsides

  • Sleep - but next time Id probably have a glass of something to help me sleep (as the regulars seemed to be doing).
  • With a delayed train I'd miss the flight connection at Inverness, and there are only 2 a day to Kirkwall.  I chose Inverness as it was likely to be a good deal quieter than the alternatives, and therefore  easier for security etc.  
  • The train hasn't got WiFi. I could have check up on the morning papers whilst having breakfast and speeding past Pitlochry and Blair Atholl

So perhaps its the Caledonian Sleeper to Aberdeen or Edinburgh next time. Someone has tried the Caledonian Sitter 

There are more alternatives as well - Easyjet Gatwick to Inverness, B&B in Inverness...............

Tuesday 16 September 2014

A poorly hen

so we moved the bantams from the barn where they have been hiding eggs  to the field where hey have lots of space . But the  pekin bantam cockerel is not well.

Hes moping round the henhouse , not pecking at things as vigorously as he usually does.
A closed eye ( ? conjunctivitis) , off food and empty crop, and not as lively as usual and with a bit of a cough.

The  pekin hen we got at the same time has faithfully been staying in the henhouse with him

Meanwhile the other bantams have been off exploring their new environment , seemingly with scant regard for the cockerel

I'm afarid this may not end very well.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Going, Going.......

We've been hatching  chicks through the summer. 53  in total hatched at the last count .
And they are now for sale as point of lay pullets ( as opposed to not quite point of lay pullets advertised earlier)

Interest is high, so if you want some best visit the original  link on the Orkney Merkit Facebook Page 

Monday 8 September 2014

They lay them here, they lay them there.

To make way for the chicks, the bantams have been relocated and now roost in the barn and spend their day foraging  wandering around scratching in the hardstanding and its verges.

We keep other stuff in the barn - food for hens and sheep, assorted gardening things, hardware (  hen feeders and water containers,  plastic chairs, broody cages ) cardboard - its surprising how useful cardboard is . 

The hens retreat in there when the weather is bad

And of course they lay eggs. But where ? 
in the straw is the answer - they will make a nest in a secluded spot and then lay eggs