Sunday 25 October 2015

Not quite


The storm and the wind came and went .
Most stuff was OK.

But the chick houses weren't where they started


Must do better next time .

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Getting ready

 On the Beaufort Scale greater than 55 mph is Force 10, greater than 64 mph is Force 11 .  So it will be Force10.5 !

its going to get a bit windy, so they say. Its really the first decent storm of the winter - 40mph gusts don't   count.
So we have to get ready.
We've gone round and tied down the sheep trailer

And cleared away or immobilised  a number of loose items that  might get blown about

I reckon the chick houses  will be OK - the wind will go through them. And if it does move them , they will end up in the hedge.  We shall see

And Im not alone  in getting ready

Thursday 8 October 2015

Ducks in their new home

So after a bit of tree-cutting and hurdle-moving the ducks have a new home . 

They have been locked in at night. Ducks usually lay their eggs first thing in the morning so locked in , we have a chance of collecting the eggs.

Still muddy -  18  hours of rain yesterday - but everywhere is muddy.

A bit of the pond has been fenced in so they have access to water whilst locked up and we don't have to lug buckets and it will (hopefully) be a bit less sloppy everywhere.

And then the duckhouses moved in .