Tuesday 23 August 2016

For sale £8.50

More information is here 

Monday 22 August 2016

moving home

The hen house was at the bottom of the field - we thought it would encourage them to wander. But they don't need any encouragement .

Hen house at the bottom of the field 

(And some gratuitous views down the hill of the henhouse) 

There were disadvantages to having it located there - principally in the winter

 So its time to move it . We thought it  might be a bit of a struggle .

But after loading it onto my Mucktruck and some slow progress up the hill. It was relocated somewhere more convenient

And now its gone !

Sunday 14 August 2016

The Weigh - in

So we thought it would be a good idea  to see what some of the sheep weighed - useful for dosing them with the correct amount of stuff and helpful if /when they need vet-prescribed  things

So you need to borrow some sheep scales and then  round up your sheep .

then get them to go onto the scales. That bit isn't so easy as they aren't too keen .

Once they have been weighed,

Let them back out into the field.

 with recalcitrant sheep, its not actually  as straightforward and took  quite a bit of the afternoon

Friday 12 August 2016

some rain and a few leaves

After a night of rain , and a few leaves, the outflow of the pond was blocked and water found its own way out. through the gate

and across the lawn and (eventually) back into the burn.

 And a few minutes with a large stick (and some wet socks and inside of wellies)

Problem solved .