Sunday 26 March 2017

A repair job

weve had some large farm machinery back and forth, doing some agricultutal fencing . One one of the trips the drive proved a bit narrow and the tractor took down a bit of the drystone wall .
At the time , we managed to retrive all the stones

So before :

During :

(the bowsaw is to cut back some of the tree that was getting in the way- nothing to do with the wall)

And after :

with thanks to the Lantra Drystone walling course 

Sunday 5 March 2017

16 to come

Rather than waiting and seeing which of our sheep are pregnant, we decided this year to get them scanned.
Easy !

Round up the sheep .  Not easy as they often don't wish to be rounded.  But  a couple of days of planning and they are all together, adjacent to where the action will be.

 the man with his van, containing an ultrasound scanner, backs up and we line the sheep up

Once they are at the front of the queue,

a snatched image of the scanner. 

 Here is  is a better youtube clip of the  scan you get with sheep

and once scanned , they were lined up to receive a dose of minerals ( Orkney  is deficient ins some key minerals ).

4 of them have twins and the other 8 all have singletons .
That is potentially 16 lambs come May , if they all carry all of the foetuses to term.

Saturday 4 March 2017

A passenger

we needed to take a sheep about a mile down the road to a neighbour.
Weve got a 8' trailer  (used here) but its a lot  of hassle to  put one sheep in it, hitch it up , etc etc etc

So there is a more straighforward solution