Thursday 27 April 2017

24 April 2017

Thursday 20 April 2017

Renovating the pond part 1

Last summer the pond sprung a leak . a bit of patching didnt fix it , and it really looks a bit pathetic.

So the job over the summer is to do something about it.

The water takes a fairly tortuous route to the pond. It runs across the drive

This appeared sometime in 2014 , because its visible here .
It runs across the drive , and then into a pipe

And it  runs down the garden and under a wall

then under a path
and intothe pond.

So diverting the water is easy .

Just a matter of cutting back some (dead) trees


And making a channel  for the water

Hopefully the pond will empty gradually and then we can see what needs doing

Sunday 16 April 2017

and another

and behind a tree I found this . It's not one of our current lot. Ive no idea how long it has been there .

And close to some water, so it's likely an otter  had something to do with this.

or it might have been a stoat. There is an increasing problem with stoats. Details can be found here 

Wednesday 12 April 2017

we found the duck

A few days ago one of  our ducks went missing. We did wonder if it was  AWOL, as a duck has been before and would reappear in a month or so , with a few additions.

But we found the missing duck

See it ?

Heres a close-up .

Of the wings

And  bit further on,  the legs

If it was an otter that killed the duck, why would its body be in bits and so far from the water. So perhaps its was caught and killed by an  otter and then a scavenger - a raven or crow - has taken the remains and scattered them about. 

Anyway , we are one duck fewer .