Wednesday 7 February 2018

A delivery

Grass needs a soil temperature of  about  5 degrees to grow .

its not going to get there for a while yet

 so we've had some haylage delivered .

They are a bit heavy to move by hand

 Good job Billy brought it with the tractor and put the bales in place to store .

Sunday 4 February 2018

The hay Store

So polycrubbing has been delayed since before Christmas .
We needed somewhere to store the bales, as building  the bigger shed  to take them has been delayed.
So its the east end of the polycrub. We are fortunate that strong easterly winds dont bring much rain with them  so they are OK uncovered.

Weve been awaiting a delivery of hay to  feed the sheep throufghthe rest of the winter.
It comes in a big bale,  brought by one of the neighbours with his tractor

But I can't put the ends on the polycrub because we wouldnt get the bale in .

As soon as we are sure we wont need any more hay deliver , or the new shed to store it in get ererected, it will be back to polycrubbing.