Sunday 11 March 2018


Last year we had the  pregnant sheep scanned, to see how many were prgnant and to identify those carrying more than one lamb.  And its scanning time this year.

The scanner comes in a trailer

and we need to sort out pens and access.

And then you need to round up your sheep

and then they get scanned

And a blue blob on their rear end = twins
A green blob = singleton

And once scanned they are led back to the field friom whence they came

So its 9 singletons and 3 twins . 15 in total.

To be born at the start of May

Thursday 8 March 2018

another repair job

We've had some big  machinery around , building a new shed.

Just like last time, inevitably there are some casualties. 

The machines have knocked down some of the drystone wall over the burn, 

so I'll need to retrieve the stones from the burn .

But it will wait until all the heavy machinery is gone. 

Just in case 

Sunday 4 March 2018


its been a bit cold  - not as bad as elsewhre in hte UK, but enough to freeze things .
including the pond

So the geese can have a walk  on the ice if they wish

and the water coming off the hill has frozen as well