Friday 19 October 2018

The new duck run

We've lost lots of ducks through the summer to stoats .
They have been brought into the shed and have lost no more - but its not sustainable through the winter .
So we need a stoat- and otter- proof run for them.

The location is the same as the old one

- but I'll have to think a bit about access to the water in the pond but doesn't allow stoats and otters into the run.

So the first stage is to put the wooden frame

And ten its just a matter of going round and attaching  fine (1/2" hole) chicken wire to the whole thing, sort out access - a door and a bigger removeable side in case we ever need to get the house out , and then go round and ensure there are barriers to them digging under the frame (I think  large old slate roofing tiles, pushed down into the ground should do it ) .

And then do something about access to the water.

Monday 8 October 2018

Thursday 4 October 2018

Gee, thanks

We've sold eggs from the end of the drive for a few years now.  And we can't keep up with demand  and actually eat very few eggs ourselves.

The price has had to go up ( feed is mode expensive ) and at the current price we  barey  break even . But nevertheless, the hens keep parasites under control and we have eggs when we want them.

And one of our customers , presumably  the same person as earlier in the year  , pays for the eggs.

In coppers

At least the money is right.