Wednesday 23 October 2019

Slugs, mice or rats

We made a mistake in planting  4 courgette plants.
Courgettes hide amongst the foliage and turn into marrows.
large marrows.
The biggest we have  grew was 2.4 Kg.
So friends, neighbours and work colleagues have benefited

And marrows arew actually apretty uninspring vegetable, but there is marrow gratin  and marrow and carrot soup. The latter is actually  quite good.

But something has been getting at the escaped courgettes

Probably not rats- its diffuclt tos ee hoe they could get in but a  rat box will hopefully dissuade them form coming back .

Monday 21 October 2019

Tree Hay

nd we have lots of bushes and small trees around ,that get regularly cut  back ( I hesitate to call it pruning)  .
So why not give it a go ?

A bush that has put on some growth throught the year

And after

And the products are tied together , put somewhere dry  with an even temperature . 

 adn watch this space !

Saturday 5 October 2019

not enough space

So even though we have 25 Acres or thereabouts, there isnt rally enough space for stuff.
And there is a land drain in an inconvenient place.

So a big pipe (600mm diameter ) in the bottom and quite a few barrel-loads of soil , and we have somewhere to put stuff.

And the soil came from the heap when we had the shed put up . It can't really stay as pile in the way and it has to go somewhere . And hopefully the overhang will collapse so its less shovelling  for the next bit

So who needs to go to a gym for an upper -body workout - you just shovel loads of soil for a couple of  afternoons !