Sunday 28 March 2021

Moving out

 So we hatched  some chicks , and moved from from the incubator and they have continued to grow, adn the weather has improved. So its time they went out into the big world. 


We've found a sheltered spot, moved the henhouse there, put up some netting and then added the chicks, 

The mesh can be moved around so they will get different ground to scratch  on .   

Friday 26 March 2021

one lucky lad


Someone has a female goose that has started to lay eggs. (Sdaly no sign of ours doing anything like that yet)

They have decided that they would like to produce some goslings  but they dont have a gander. 

We've got one.

And as our females are showing no signs at the moment of laying eggs , hes going on a working  holiday for a few days . 

Lucky lad !

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Job done




Tuesday 23 March 2021

New additions


so some buff sussex chicks that have been hatched in the incubator. 

To be hired out (or sold)  Easter amusement for young children.

10 so far. 18 eggs to go . 

Monday 22 March 2021

A landslip

 It must have been some of the heavy rain,. but a part of  of the drystone wall next to the road has collapsed. 



 From the road the wall stops and then re-starts



And the gap from the garden

And this is the bit that has slipped down the slope.

Leaving a bit of wall. 

So there is a bit of work to do !

Thursday 18 March 2021

Going back out


 on close inspection , the sheep droppings have largely gone back to normal (for sheep) 

So the boys can be returned to the field 

Sunday 14 March 2021

The shed

 its a good job we have a big shed. 

The chicks (which we started here ) and then  moved out the incubator to the run indoors  are growing and have been moved on again . 

Its still  cold and windy outside ( after all , its only March)  so weve set up a run in the shed . 

When they outgrow this one , they will be moved outside 

 And the  young rams aren't doing too well in the bad weather. 

So they are inside again 

If you are  interested ( and you might not be) , the problem could be coccidiosis

See - the mucky back-end of one of the lambs. 

So he is inside, been treated and getting  rehyrdated with easy access to water and some ovein build-up (beet nuts) 

Saturday 6 March 2021

And again.

19 which includes the one with gastroschisis,  out of the  the first lot of chicks has hatched and the remaining 18 are growing . 

and so off we go again . 



Watch this space in 25 or so days.