Saturday 31 July 2021

Moving home .

 So the solitary chick has continued to grow.   It ( we think its a she) isnt big enough yet to take its chances in the big wide world . 

so we've moved it to a bigger run, in a  more isolated bit  and once the mother and chick have 'learned' where their new home is, we can let them out to explore - and eat  and grow. 


Old home 

New home

Thursday 22 July 2021

New Arrivals

 So we had a broody hen. 

And we have some ducks that are laying eggs 

So we put the 2 together about a month ago 






1 egg must have been sterile

1 duckling seems to have died shortly after birth 

And I think we have 7. 


Thursday 8 July 2021

Out and about



 So the chick is getting a bit bigger, and getting a bit bolder. 

We don't yet know if its a him-chick or a her-chick