Monday 27 September 2021

The great Diaspora

 So flocks of Orkney Boreray sheep are going to Hoy and Stronsay , as well as the one on Shapinsay . 

And its quite a logistic exercise to get the correct sheep in the correct trailer at the correct time, going to the correct place.  And not helped by  bad weather and cancelled sailing, which meant  a lot of re-arrangement as well. 


So lots and lots of sheep hurdles.   you can never have too many sheep hurdles  

And then get your sheep all in the right place 

And get them split into the neccesary groups  - Hoy, Stronsay and staying 

And then get them loaded 

 And then the lot going to Stronsay 

And finally deposited on the boat to Stronsay, to be picked up at the other end 

 9am and all done and delivered by 3 pm . With a break for lunch. 

Friday 24 September 2021

Farewell to Bede




( with apologies to Max )

Orkney Boreray  is expanding . 

And some sheep are going to Hoy and some to Stronsay, as well as the flock that is on Shapinsay

 And Bede , one  of the oldest rams  is leading the way to Stronsay . On this trip accompanied by  wether and  lambs

Bede's last meal ( here)


So Bede, and a few more , were encouraged into the trailer.  And we went and joined the queue for the ferry to Stronsay 

And 90 minutes on the ferry, Stronsay came into view 

And then sheep taken to their new homes . 


And lambs in their new home

And Bede exploring his new home 

Sunday 19 September 2021

Friends Reunited

 So the solitary chick grew up , was moved out into its own  home.

And disappeared ! !!

It was spotted a few times lurking in a neighbours' drive , so we assumed it had found a home down there somewhere.

I was in the field and saw the hen and managed to catch her. 

So she is back with us  and will (hopefully) (eventually) end up with all the other buff sussex chickens

In the meantime she is in a run to stop her disappearing back from whence she came 

And has a regular visitor , who hangs around outside the run. 

Its not the mother hen - she is back with the rest of them . 

So has she got a suitor ? 

Who knows !