Sunday 24 October 2021

The Apple Crop

Trees went into the polycrub that I put up .


And we put some of the trees in the AppleCrub i erected 

 (taken on the sunny day  in June)

And we have some that are planted on the bank. 

And as its getting colder, the leaves are falling , as are the fruit,  so its picking time,. 


13.9 Kg of apples . Some will keep into the winter in the cool, dry shed outside. 



Tuesday 12 October 2021



 7.37 :56 am
7.40 :35  am
7:46:23 am

Friday 1 October 2021


 After several years, I've finally got round to erecting the greenhouse. The excuse is that it was a 2-man job and I had to wait until my mate was available.

Slightly complicated because Alton couldnt provide construction  instructions. It was carefully taken apart in Newcastle, and transported here and stored in the shed , along with all the bitsnpieces

The main difference between Newcastle and Orkney and a sectional greenhouse  like this one is its ability to withstand winds of up to 80 mph.  So we've tried to anchor it down well. 

The (hopefully) sheltered site has a bit of an incline, so some hardcore to get it level, set out the concrete base blocks and fix the sectional sides to the base . And prop it all up until its all fixed in place.


The base units were concreted into place. 

And then a 2metre, 3"x3"  fence post ( a stab in Orcadian)  concreted into place at each corner

And then fix a  length of 4"x2" timber to the posts. And fix the sections to the horizontal timber and to the posts 

 And to help keep the roof on, some additional 3"x2" timbers have been bolted to the posts and screwed to the roof section 

So we shall see if it survives the winter. if it does , I'll plant something in there in the spring .