Thursday 30 December 2021

The Inside Hens



 So in line with the diktats about Avian flu, we have  been able to house the new lot of hens inside the greenhouse which , fortuitously , was erected in the autumn. 





  And ive fixed up some lights - and a result !



Tuesday 28 December 2021

Views from (halfway) up the hill

 So to check on the fencing before the sheep go back onto the moor for the rest of the winter, I had to go round and check there were no gaps in the fencing that the sheep could possibly escape through.  So i took a camera with me . 


Looking back down the hill to the house 





And looking out the east , there is the island of Rousay in the far distance.

 And the Lyde Road, winding up the hill going west to Harray.