Friday 25 February 2022

Moving them out

 So the hens went into the greenhouse .  But as the sun gets above the hill, the greenhouse reverts to its proper function - a sun trap. And this isnt good for the hens. Whilst Avian Flu

So we had to move them. So we moved a hen house , and transferred the hens and after a day or so  locked in whilst they became familiar with  their new home, we let them out and they went exploring their new environment. 




And the lights got moved as well , and they kept on laying ( which is good) 


 But we have discovered a problem 

They've discovered they can hop over the wall. 

So we  either

- live with it  . But if they discover the vegetable patch thats not going to be good. 

- put up some fencing 

- rediscover my drystone walling skills