Saturday 21 May 2022

The sitting Hen

 At the moment we dont want any more chickens.

And we have a broody hen. 

And we have a goose that is laying eggs but at the moment isnt incubating them.




Weve taken some eggs from the nest that the goose has made 


And introduced the hen to them .,And she is incubating them 

  Goose egg incubation time is about a month.  So wait and see what ( if anything ) comes of this.

Thursday 5 May 2022

Some repairs are necessary

 We've not had a lot of rain  recently . 

So there hasnt been an obvious  precipitating cause . 


A bit of the perimeter stone wall has collapsed. 

And removing the loose stones leaves a slightly bigger gap.

And I found this in the wall as i removed the loose stones 

And cleaned up a bit........

 I wonder if its possible to date the can ?  . Which could give an indication of when the wall was last worked on .