Thursday 19 April 2018

The Beeb have been

The scottish version of Countryfile  is Landward . They want to do a piece on  the closure of local abbatoirs  - the only abbatoir in Orkney closed without notice in January  - and the effect this has on local producers .
So they came to Orkney  and wanted something about out Borerays.  Thye were here for about 90 minutes - which will probably tanslate into a 15-10 minute slot , if that.

So, a bit of setting up round the house. I dint know 15yr old Vauxhall Corsas that have done 72,000 miles were filmable !

And filmed leaving the house

The walking down the field

And then nochalantly leaning on the gate, chatting with Dougie Vipond 

 and finally going to feed the sheep

Watch this space for broadcast dates !

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