Saturday 15 June 2019

incubatoring again

We started  broody hens on some duck eggs a couple of weeks ago .
We check on them daily to ensue they have enough food and water. And yesterday one of them had clearly had enough of this sitting-on-eggs  malarkey and was found  on a perch. With the eggs abandoned and cold.

We have been here before with cold eggs and so nothing ventures, nothing gained the incubator was brought into action.

We checked the eggs - if they arent fertile then 2 weeks in ,  you can hear fluid sloshing around when gently shaken. As it is a tight fit for all the eggs in our (small) incubator, we had to jettison one

it looks as if it has been fertilised. And development stopped.

So the remaining eggs  have been put in the incubator

And they need turning regularly. And the water  topped up to maintain the humidity.
And we shall see whay happens   around the 28th June.

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