Monday 2 December 2013

A trunk road

Of course we don’t live out at the back of beyond, miles from civilisation. We live  on a A road -  the main road between 2 important  villages. OK, its not Dual Carriageway ( a picture of  a rural dual carriageway is here ) but there is a passing place at the end of the drive, see

and on the way home there was a small ( well - quite large )  problem - a tractor had broken down.

But its OK really -  I looked at the verge and it wasn't too soft, and the dyke by the side of the road was set back a bit.

And the alternative  to reverse,  and find another route to come up the other side of the hill would have been 5 miles or so .

And of course there wouldn't be a problem.  As advised by the neighbours who were there as well ,  If I ended up in the ditch there are plenty of people around with a tractor who could pull me out .

 So tractor  negotiated , ditch avoided I was on my way

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