Saturday 25 January 2014

Sun's back

There are considerable advantages to living in a valley
- we get a nice view
- its relatively sheltered ( by Orkney standards)
- we can grow trees

But we realised there is a disadvantage. There is a hill to the south of us. And the sun disappeared behind it several weeks ago .
But today  I noticed that the sun has come back into the  house.

The house - at about 1400

 And if I turn round and take another picture :
The sun hasn't been high enough in the sky to appear over the hill since the middle of December. I'm sure that the sun has been on the house for a few days, as the hill is a bit lower towards the  west.

 Another 20 minutes or so and there is  bit more sun.

 The sun probably came back a few days ago, but the weather has been so overcast that we didn't notice.

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