Wednesday 5 February 2014

Water engineering part 2

 The sun is now high enough to get to the 2nd pond, but its still all very wet and muddy - Somerset isn't the only place that has been getting more rain than usual.

and the pond is filling and draining  - the overflow is coming over the stones, and then disappearing  in a drainage channel  that runs down under the large rock

and the channel that was dug to try and drainthe muddy bit has filled with a bit of water

but the mud is still there and still as gloopy

So  I wondered if the pond was overflowing somewhere else and the water going straight into the  muddy  bit, but on  exploring round the pond directly above the mud  the soil was relatively dry , so its not filling from there.

 So  I think the next step  is to see whats going where with some methylene blue . Add it at the top and see where it comes out.

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