Wednesday 16 July 2014

The latest Arrivals

A generous benefactor  donated some money after we lost the ducks to the otters as described here, here and here. As we didn't think we were otter-proof, we didn't at the time replace the ones that had gone  with more ducks, but instead got a couple of Pekin bantams, a male and a female  and named them  after our generous benefactors.

And a month or so ago, the female became broody and was sat on some eggs and stayed in the box for a month

And this came to fruition a couple of days ago.
The first two hatched ,

And after a couple of days inside they have been moved outside to the chick run. Enclosed and netted so they don't wander off or are predated by the local hoodies , or hen harriers or even a rat that might carry one off. It will allow them to grow on a bit have shleter with their mother and access to the grass and food, and when a bit bigger they will be moved to join the other chicks that we have hatched this year.

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