Wednesday 4 February 2015

Too many cockerels

We hatched a lot of chicks last year -  53 in total ,

The intention was always to become self-sufficient in chicken.  Weve been keeping the chickens through the winter. What we didn't realise is that they dont scavenge as well in the winter , perhaps something to do with the short days . And if they don't scavenge  then they will need additional feed or they will lose weight. So they have been getting  additional grain , which costs. And we suspect a ready source of grain has just attracted rats and other things to snack op the  available feed.

Ao we have decided that enough is enough. Its going to be a good few weeks before the days are long enough and its warm enough for the stuff that hens eat to  become more readily available. 

So over the last few days we've have been converting this

 into these

 There are a few intermediate steps. For those of a weak constitution who think  meat is laid into a blue polystyrene tray ready-wrapped in  plastic has best look away now.

You have been warned


. The chicken that comes in the blue polystyrene plastic is from broiler hens , who are killed at approximately 40 days. Here are details of broiler units ( from the farmers ) or here (from CIWF) . Our birds are approximately  6 months old. The birds need to be hung for a while.  


and before that they  need to be slaughtered and plucked. Thanks to a neighbour farmer its a life skill that has been picked up since we have been here ( its been a bit cold recently, hence the hat etc) but they still need to be plucked. Easiest to  do when the body is still warm .

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