Friday 14 August 2015

New Arrivals

We think that in the ducks that we have hatched  we have 4 drakes and 1 hen. Not what we wanted.  I suspect we may not be having turkey for Christmas this year . ( But Christmas Dinner is messed up because of the Christmas Day Ba ) and probably wont happen on Christmas Day.

Khaki Campbells
We thought we had better increase our stock and add some diversity , so we bought some Khaki Campbell  ducks and some Indian Runners. We have had problems keeping up with the demand for eggs  and Indian Runners are prolific layers and may keep going into the winter.  
So we had some delivered off the ferry from Aberdeen. This involved going to meet the ferry  at 11pm. Hanging around whilst they unloaded everything, picking  your animals out a  crate , taking them home and settling them in . So all finished shortly after 1 am .

And to stop the other ducks going after them we have penned both lots .

When the new ones are bit bigger and able to stand up for themselves

Indian Runners

And this lot of ducks are as stupid as the ones we already have.

q. Which is more intelligent, a duck or a root vegetable ?
A. A carrot

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