Wednesday 9 December 2015

Not a quad bike

So we have been thinking of doing something about having to move stuff (sheep hurdles, feed etc) and and down the hill. We've thought about a quad bike , or perhaps even a small tractor. Or perhaps I could replace the lawnmower with something a bit more powerful and with a tow hook on the back for a small trailer.

But we didnt do that.

Instead we have got a Shetland Pony.  She was born at the beginning of May. I'm told they can live off fresh air and am assured she wont be any trouble whatsoever. With a bit of training and a little bit more growing  she may carry small amount of stuff.

At the moment she lives in what we call the sheepshed and goes out during to day to graze on grassy bits.

 I think we may still need a quad bike/tractor/new lawnmower

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