Sunday 28 February 2016

No duck eggs

And the ducks appear to have stopped laying . Or something is taking the eggs . Or they are laying somewhere else .

It could be hooded crows , so we have put up some deterrent to try and stop them going into the hen house to take eggs

It could be stoats or rats taking eggs . So we have rat traps. And found this. So this one isnt going to take any more eggs ( if it ever was) .

Ducks are not renowned for their intelligence.

Question - which is more intelligent , a duck or a carrot
Answer - A Carrot 

 We moved them to their new home in October and then gradually gave them a bit more space as they seemed to have got the hang of laying eggs in the  duck houses.

But they have forgotten ( or something) . We have found an egg in the pond and one laid on the bank.

So its back to plan A , and restrict them  so that they can 'remember' where the are supposed to lay their eggs

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