Thursday 17 March 2016

The otters are back

Back in 2013 we had some vanishing ducks .
the puzzle started here , then we found a suspect and then a witness.

We've fenced the ducks in , in their new pond  and blocked the (easy) access  along the burn . But they do go walkabout  - they were photographed  on the road , and in the tourist season we do get people stopping , coming and telling us that the ducks are on the road.

So we came to lock the ducks up , and one was missing . A brief hunt found her in the undergrowth and limping ( and easy to catch - which is usually  bad sign)

And she was injured -

and the injury to beak meant that she wouldn' t be able to forage properly. So there was only one solution , and we are one duck fewer

At mating season otters tend to roam, so it probayl was a combination of the duck beign out on the road, near a burn , and an otter exploring.  If we loose any more we will have to think about breeding replacements this year ( but we werent intending to )

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