Monday 12 June 2017

and finally

The last ewe to lamb is due on the 13th, but things got going a could of days early.
We can recognise the signs of early labour , which happened  in the early afternoon, but things changed and the typical behaviour - pawing the ground and separating herself off fromt he other sheep , didnt happen.
So come the evening we  had to have a look.
it was an obstructed labour with the first lamb in an abnormal position whih needed some manual help to get it delivered
Eventually  two lambs were born
.Some video a few minutes after birth

the mother didnt start immediaitly licking them dry , so we realised something was remiss.

We brought them inside as they were wet, it was wet and the mother 'wasnt right'   and got them dried off 

And the vet came and had a look atr the mother - and diagnosed a perforated uterus - an unsurvivable  condition. 

So some colostrum was taken from the ewe and then tube-fed to the lambs 

And now we have our own cady (orphan) lamb  - so its back to bottle feeding  every 4 hours or so until  they are a bit bigger and can join the other lambs 

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