Saturday 5 May 2018

one down , 14 to go .

Lambing is due to start today .
And , just on cue, the first one (Cara)  wasnt interested in beet nuts this morning , and then took herself off to a corner of the field .
9.18 am 

And then , with a lot of getting up and lying down, things started to happen

9.19 am membranes rupture 

things start to  appear

9.39 am . All a a bit slow compared to normal lambing 

9.50 am Head and feet appear 

9.54 am all the rest of the lamb slides out. 
9.55 am job done 

And some of  the others  , due later in the week, were  looking on . No idea why . We've not seen this before .

But the complication was that the other ewe due today took a real interest and started licking the new lamb, along with the mother.

Feeding is the essential part of the bonding process, and the lamb was to going  to the wrong ewe  would cause problems further down the line .  So we had to go and herd the intruder away , allowing the lamb to feed from its mother .

 End result - lamb and its mother , both happy . 

And the intruder gave birth, uneventfully over about 20 minutes , at about 530 pm 

So its 2 down , 13 to go. 

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