Tuesday 14 August 2018

A tale of 2 broodys

So the hens go broddy through the summer.  And its a real pain because they try and sit on eggs on the henhouse , which makes it difficult to collect them, and other hens cant get in the right place to lay their eggs.
So there are 2 choices - let them brood, or try to 'unbrood' them .
For the latter, they are put in a cage where they cannot 'brood'. there is ample food and water ( but they dont take much when broody) , and after a few weeks they usually get the message , give up trying to sit , and can be put  back with the other hens.

Or the laternative is to let them sit on a clutch of eggs and see whaty you get.

13 eggs 

and there is a  hen in here, begin given some peace and quiet , to get on with hatching some chicks.

Watch this space, 3 weeks hence .

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