Sunday 4 November 2018

sheep and fireworks

We all know that pets and fireworks don't get on.  Anyway , sheep and fireworks don't get on either. 
Neighbours has their own bonfire party, and finished with some bright , sparkly fireworks shooting in to the sky. This spooked the sheep that were in the adjacent field, and they all went charging around . One crashed into some sheep hurdles. We spotted him by torchlight,  in the dark,  standing away from the others and not moving much. 

Next morning , it was still separate from the others  and not active. And we could go right up to it - certainly not normal behaviour in sheep. 

And he was standing in one position, and very unsteady on  his feet . 

closer inspection revealed the injuries 

So what to do ?

If its  head injury of some sort, there is no specific treatment.  If its concussion  it should strt to recover in a day or so .

Prop him up, keep him warm, ensure food and water is available .

 and wait and see  if he improves.

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