Sunday 16 December 2018

A bit windy

heres the windbreak to try and protect the trees .  Its been there through  since last year.  Didnt do much for the apples from the trees though .

Heres a tree, being protected

 And heres the windbreak after last nights' storm ( storm Deirdre)
 70 mph gusts where we  are.

 And the website gives live weather updates

Here's last nights' winds

 60knots =69 mph.

Saturday 8 December 2018

RIP Boris

We have been planning which rams should be put to ewes for tupping - and Boris' was on the list to get some action with some ewes.
Until one morning, he was  found in the field, dead, lying in a littel rivulet that sprung up -weve had some rain recently

The surrounding  grass was undisturbed.

the only injury we could see was to a horn - but they are rams ,  hormones are starting to flow and there has been the usual pushing and shoving and little bit of head-butting  like here 

The Vet carried out a post-mortem -  no obvious cause of death.

But sheep sometimes do 'just die'