Saturday 11 October 2014

Head Butting

We don't have a dog or quad bike so rounding up the sheep for things like vaccinations, trimming their feet or looking at one who is 'a bit under the weather' or possibly injured. So it could be tricky to get near enough.

So we've got a bit of the field fenced off as a small paddock , with a gate to it. The aim is to encourage the sheep into the paddock and then shut the gate . Once they are in a confined space its (a bit) easier to   catch them and do whatever needs doing.  Food is a very  strong incentive, so we have managed to train the sheep to  come into the small paddock with feed.   There is picture  of our sheep following the bucket, over at the Natural Fibre Company  blog . Sues' blog post is worth read about sheep welfare as well.

So the aim is to get them to come into the paddock to feed.

Like this

But then putting 2 rams in close proximity might lead to bit of aggro

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