Wednesday 22 October 2014

Ovine Intensive Care

So we brought 4 sheep back - One of them looked a bit peeky before we left and he wasn't right when we arrived. SO a spot of TLC and  focussed care was called for.

Dog crate lined with straw, in front of the fire and able to watch TV was called for.

 And feeding was a problem. What do you give a poorly sheep?  As Sue Blacker points out,there are economic considerations.  A lamb isn't actually worth very much, so how much do you spend on Vets, drugs and things to save them  ?
It's easy if you have one or two as pets , but then if you have 20 ?  Certainly in the Spring  there are a number of orphan lambs  that people offer ( for free) to find a home. We were offered a caddy lamb in April

So he was in the warm, and food was readily available.  We suspect that he needed a sheep equivalent of an energy drink - ovine lucozade if you will. 

So we made some .

And then fed him with a syringe every few hours. But sadly it was not to be and he died after 24 hours.  But they need grass to get the rumen going so they can digest food. I  dont think there will be many around who will know the correct balance of energy and protein you give an ailing lamb.

But the others are fine and exploring their new home

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