Tuesday 1 January 2019

Polycrub in January

So it has withstood the 70mph winds - must be somthign to do with the 3.4tonne of concrete round the  posts.

And we had a fair bit of produce out of it last year , in spite of the late start.

And its January , so  there isnt much daylight at the moment , and anyway the polycrub (and house) dont get direct sunlight for another couple of weeks .

And stuff is still growing in the polycrub

Weve got purple sprouting brocolli  - this thing is almost 5' tall , but with no  purple heads yet

And a pea must have fallen from where they were growing last year .
And its sprouted, so ive put a few more alongside it and we'll see if we get some early peas.

And the artichokes are continuing to grow

And the vine has picked up , after an initial stumble

And i didnt think this was supposed to happen  in January .

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