Saturday 2 February 2019

Shapinsay and back

Its been arranged for a while that we would take a couple of sheep

To Shapinsay ,  the nearest Island and a 30 minute ferry trip

 The snow is still lying here , and the first bit of the trip, getting to the end of the drive could have been the most challenging .

But the road to the Ferry terminal ( checkin time 15 minutes before departure)  was fine

And we waited for the incoming  ferry

 And the next bit was taking the car and trailer onto the ferry.
Reversing on . Down the slipway ansd the length of ferry .
At least the only people watching were the crew,
unlike the last time I had to reverse onto a ferry 

We can see Shapinsay from the house , so we had the chance of the 'reverse' view

And 30 minutes later, Balfour village, Shapinsay came into view

 And sheep taken to join the  flock  of Borerays in Shapinsay

And coming back, you can see how the Cathedral  dominates the skyline of Kirkwall

PS Ive got a new camera - can you tell ?

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