Sunday 31 March 2019


We hatched some turkeys last year 

The aim was to have turkey for Christmas, but it didnt actually happen - we#ve ende dup keeping them.
And we have a him-turkey and a her-turkey.

Tiger - the him-turkey
 And Lily , the her-turkey has been busy

There is nest in the rushes.

And getting a bit closer :

We will have to wait and see if we end up with any turkey-lettes

Saturday 16 March 2019

the Goose house

weve decided to hatch some goslings .
So the geese will need somewhere to nest .

We've had broody geese before  - in 2016  and 2014 , for instance ., but we ignored it

So ive made a suitable house for brooding - it needs to be big enough to take a goose and ideally  provide a protected, dark environment .

So  with an old crate  cut in half and some spare metal panneling from the shed, I made something

adn then it needed to be trainsported. Whilst not heavy, its an awkward shape .

and then the geese are hanging around at the top of the field , so we put the box up there

 but in the brush, one of them has started buildign a nest and laid eggs ( here partially covered by moss)

 so we might be a week too late.
other the other goose might devide to use the new palatial accommodation.

Or something

Wednesday 13 March 2019


Are the ewes pregnant ? .Theyve all been tupped but .  We need a scanner to  confirm
So on saturday we had

1. Weather.

50mph horizontal hail. But that's just a mild spring breeze.

2. Some sheep 

3. A scanner 

Bruce arrived

4 Some helpers 

 5. Some action 

And the result is that we are expecting 7 twins and 12 singletons,  commencing at the start of May.
Unless its all a bit early, then its the end of April.

Lambing  - lots of hanging around for stuff to happen.  And then it happens and a biot more hanging around . Or action . or something