Friday 6 July 2018


We had a broody hen, and some turkey eggs ,fertility unknown.  So we sat the hen on the eggs. And after 3 weeks ( of the 4 it takes for turkeys to hatch) , she got fed up with this and left. We realised when we found a clutch of cold eggs one morning . 

With nothing to lose, we put the eggs in  our  mini-incubactor to see what would happen . As the eggs had been cold for an unknown length of time , we  had no expectation of hatching anything . 

But 5 days later, in the morning  , we have a turkey chick (they are called poults )

Still wet,  but hatched and chirping . So it was left in the incubator  to warm up and dry out.  So what to do next? 

The others show no sign of hatching (yet ) - perhaps the cold spell has affected them all differently and slowed the development  at different rates .

So what next ?  Well, they need to be kept in a warm environmnet for the first few weeks. So the seed propagator has been  brought into use , and with a 250W lamp to provide the heat , we have a brooder . 

And as it hasn't a mother, it needs to be shown how to peck 

 And what are going to have for Christmas Dinner this year ?

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