Monday 9 July 2018

Not 3

So the eggs continued to hatch and we had 2 chicks in the plant-propagator-come-chick-brooder. Its got a 250W lamp suspended above it , to keep the temperature at about 35 degrees C, which is what poults need at this stage .

And the third egg was found with a small hole where the chick had started to peck though the shell,  cold after the not-broody-enough-to-sit-on-the-egg Broody hen decided she didnt want to sit on it any more .

So,  nothing to loose it went back in the incubator and after a couple of hours it started to peck its way though the shell and emerged. But it wasnt right - after 36 hours it couldn't stand and demised 24 hours later.
On close inspection we could see the reason -   there was a bit of a gap where there shouldn't have been  -  perhaps the galline  equivalent of exomphalos.

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