Wednesday 4 July 2018

New additions

Weve had acouple of geese for a while - when we had lots of ducks ( before the stoat got to them ) , the geese used to hang around with the ducks
So someone wants shot of their geese .  Apparently the geese eat plants  ( who'd  have thought of it ) and someone needed to pass on his geese because of thier culinary habits .

Hmmm  gardening wife, or geese. Hmmmmmm

So we decided to increase our geese holding. We are told that goose gets a good price at Christmas, so with a gander or 2, the geese wont be futilely sitting on plates  or eggs

So we went to get some geese 

and brought them back. Weve put one of the ganders with our 3 geese ( Gloria and Gertie) . So we need a name for him starting  with 'G'. Geoffrey ? Guido? Ganymede, ? Gandalf?

We leave them penned togther and he  will get the hang of having his brood.

Meanwhile the other 4 ( one gander and 3 geese) , have been put togther in a field, separate from the other ones.  Good job we;ve got 25 acres !

 And we will take orders for Christmas 2019 sometime

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