Sunday 10 November 2019

Our own Tiggywinkle

We came across a hedgehog !

It was lost and not moving , so we brought it in ( with gloves on !!) to see if it was still alive.

It was!

 Hedgehogs hibernate through the winter.  And to survive the hibernation , it needs to have enough energy stores to see it through - and it needs to be a minimum weight of about 600 g . This one was 540g

So it needs rescuing  to help it survive the winter. A search for 'Hedgehog rescue Orkney " led down a dead-end and we ended up speaking to the SSPA . And someone will come and get it tomorrow.

So it needs a home for the night .

And returning to the tray on the floor what housed it ..........


It had escaped and tried to hide

So we get a bigger box - with a lid.
And it needs food. They suggested cat food. Do don't have cats.
A rummage through the cabbages in the usually  slug-overridden vegetable  plot was negative . It must be too cold for te slugs to venture out .

But we do have a wormery, converting kitchen waste to compost.

And its got worms.

So instead of catfood , the hedgehog has worms.  And 3 should see it until tomorrow.

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