Thursday 26 December 2019

An Irn-Bru'd goose

And the tin was stuck , preventing the goose from  grazing. It wasn't there  last night , and its not getting light until about 9am , so it hasnt been there very long. 

But long enough to do some damage . 

So back out in the field with the others. And it didnt look like the tongue had been affected, and the jawbone was intact. 

Infection will be the most likely possible complication - but antibiotics to a goose ? 
And painkillers ?  Google cant tell me the dose of calpol to give to a goose. 

So don't just chuck your tins out  of the window as you drive past. 

And this is the goose that was named Christmas , until we discoverd it was female and therefore will be  used to hatch some eggs in the summer. 
So she has been renamed Carol . 

Saturday 21 December 2019

Result !

So we brought the hens inside, and are giving them additional light.

And we have an egg !

Well, only one, but we can hope  it's a start.

And this is close to the Winter Solstice.
The shortest day  has been the 21st December for the last few years - this year it's the 22nd December  , and the day is one second shorter than the 21st.

And here is similar data for London  - that place 'Doon Sooth'

So things on the up from tomorrow !

Saturday 14 December 2019

Indoor hens

We have had quite a lot of rain  so far this winter . Its a bit muddy . Just as muddy as it was in 2015 

And we have moved one of the hen houses to make it more accessible in the winter . But this means that we are walking over the same ground . Did you know that you can get standing water on a slope ?

And the hens are in this bit. And theyu have stopped laying - related to the hours of dalylight ( not a lot up here) at this time of the year and there isnt a lot fo food avaialble to them - bugs dont grow in mud and cold

So we have brougth some of them inside.

We can feed them , give them additional light and hopefully get them back into lay . So a run, constructed with sheep hurdles and netting , some nesting boxes, and food and additional light ( on a timer) and we shall see what happens over the next week or so