Thursday 26 December 2019

An Irn-Bru'd goose

And the tin was stuck , preventing the goose from  grazing. It wasn't there  last night , and its not getting light until about 9am , so it hasnt been there very long. 

But long enough to do some damage . 

So back out in the field with the others. And it didnt look like the tongue had been affected, and the jawbone was intact. 

Infection will be the most likely possible complication - but antibiotics to a goose ? 
And painkillers ?  Google cant tell me the dose of calpol to give to a goose. 

So don't just chuck your tins out  of the window as you drive past. 

And this is the goose that was named Christmas , until we discoverd it was female and therefore will be  used to hatch some eggs in the summer. 
So she has been renamed Carol . 

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