Sunday 1 March 2020

Scanning 2020

its wet , horrible and muddy but needs must.  postponed from yesterday because of the storm .

So firstyl get your sheep all in a pen .

Well, except for one , who didnt want to co-operate and is its a lamb, hasnt been tupped and so doenst need scanning.

And then some suitable attired helpers.  Thanks to Karen and Laura for coming along

And then get the sheep penned, excluding the lambs

And then make a race for  leading the sheep to the scanner

And get aforesaid sheep into the race

Gaurded by Laura

 And then encourage the sheep to go into the van and be scanned

And the result

  • 1 isnt pregnant 
  • 11 have single lambs 
  • 7 have twins  
So a busy May is coming 

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