Monday 15 June 2020

Meleagrian resuscitation

We have bred some  Meleagris gallopavo .

We left 4 with the female , which was reduced to 2
 And we found one lying on is side. Don't know what happened to it - perhaps it fell, or attacked by something, or trodden on by one of the parents (turkeys arent renowned as good parents)

So it was still alive and needed warming up and feeding,

And the warmth - I'm assuming it was the warmth - revived it  .

So the  next step is resuscitation.
Fluid resuscitation in children  is 20 ml/kg . This poult weighs  200grams.
So that is 4 mls . So it got small doses of glucose/saline solution

And that was the best we could do .

It spent the rest of the day under the warming plate with food and water nearby .

But sadly it did not survive

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