Thursday 2 July 2020

The Wall

 We have 2 lots of ducks. The Indian Runner ( 'Jemima Puddleduck' ) ones, who lay -relatively-  more eggs and that we intend to breed from , and the other ones , that we have had for years - the Bugherov ducks. The latter lot are keen to explore and will go to extreme ends for food. This includes hopping over the wall that keep the Indian Runners separate. This could cause us problems when it comes to breeding.


So we wondered whether we should get a fence put . But they can squeeze through the regular fencing wire . So the wall needed to be extended

 The excuses
- It's a while since I sent on the drystone walling course
- Im using field stone ( the stuff thats lying around) rather than quarry stone.
- I need to extend the wall and to take it down completely and rebuild would be a lot of work
- ( and im not very practiced at this)

And its an opportunity to sort this out - the wall just pokes out a bit . Not sure why
Perhaps to make it easier to step over ? . Or there is a hidden cache of something  in the wall?

So a couple of days later

 ( and the anomaly was just stones sticking out of the wall -  nothing hidden, no idea why it was like that)

The fist bit of the wall has some dense vegetation growing so I thought that would stop the ducks , so i didn't bother doing that bit.

Silly me

And here's where they were hopping through. 

This should stop them   ( i hope!)

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