Tuesday 29 September 2020

The Willows

 Apple trees in  in the polycrub do very well.

Those outside haven't produced any fruit in the years  we have been here. And the applecrub is an attempt to improve things.   We also moved some to the east-facing bank to see if they would do any better . And earlier this year , the fruit cage for the raspberries went on the western side of the trees on the bank. And either the little bit of protection, or a better summer- but its not  obviously been so  -  that is offered has improved things - and we have more fruit on these trees that we have had so far 

So how about some protection from the East ? 

Currently there are some struggling  specimens 

So they need replacing . Its damp down there - so willow should do well. And we've had some cuttings . So they needs moving

But they also need protecting, principally from the geese ,who will eat anything they can get to ,  including onions .

So some posts and netting  : 

And we will see what happens over the winter and into the spring next year

Sunday 27 September 2020

Where's Lily ?

Recently Tiger has been a bit more assertive than usual when anyone goes near.  And Lily, the female hasn't been seen for a day or so. So we decided we had better investigate. 
We had a hunt in the vegetation - where she sat on some eggs earlier in the year 
And we saw her - burie deep in the vegetation 


 We have glimpsed a pile of eggs  - no idea how many though. Its a bit unusual for them to be sitting at this time of the year. And very young poults  in October might struggle to survive , given the  bad weather at that time of the year. 

We have discussed trying to remove some eggs and putting them in an incubator , but have decided  against it .  And if in the process of retrieving the eggs we scare her off  the nest completely we could end up having to incubate who knows how many.  And then end up rearing the poults. 

So we leave things as they are , and see what emerges  in a months' time 

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Got another one



Adult male . 

This is number 7 in total , 2nd one this year . 

it was reported to the 'Stoats in Orkney' Facebook page 

And the comments :