Friday 10 April 2020


So we have some raspberry plants.
And we have lots of birds.
And birds like raspberries.
So i decided that i would make a fruit cage - a bit more permament than just heaving some netting over the plans when the respberries appear.

Ive got some timber lying around  - not enought to make the whole thing , but I thought I'd make a start and finish it when the lockdown is over - for  builders merchants at least.

But then we had a little orcadian spring breeze

So do  I
 1. put the whole thing back up and retro-concrete in the base. it might be difficult becauase the whoel thing is on a slope and the far end is propped up about 9" on stones.

2. Weight it all down twith as many parge stones as i can find

3. Something else .

 Watch this space

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