Sunday 12 April 2020

OIC and Cuthbert

OIC in this context is not Orkney islands Council .
Its Ovine Intensive Care

Cuthbert on of the older rams, collapsed in the field and had to be helped to stand up . And didnt put up their usual feisty struggle to being manhandled.

So he was brought inside , given food and water
Cuthbert is the one who probably had actinomycosis of the jaw  , but we havent seen a recurrence since the original  lump. He had a course of antibiotics at the time. Actinomycosis can be difficult to eradicate so we have been keeping a lookout for a recurrence, but nothing obvious so far.

And his temperature is normal for sheep (39.4 C).But  under the fleece we is thin so something may be amiss .

 He's got hay and water and feed.
And we will give hima couple of days inside and then see what happens

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